Tuesday 5 June 2012

Is Day Care Right For Your Dog? Tips for Choosing a Good Facility

A great doggy day care could be a wonderful thing for the right dog. This Whole Dog Journal article will walk you though how to know if it's right for your dog, and how to chose a good facility. If you're considering DDC, this is a MUST read.

There isn't much I can add except to tell you my own thoughts on the subject. I've been dog walking a long time and part of what I love is how happy each dog is to see me when I arrive. Truthfully, they're just as happy when I return them home. Dog love their houses. I don't think I have a single dog on my roster who would prefer to spend the day at DDC than go for a short car ride, run, play, swim, and then spend the rest of the day lounging on their own sofa, waiting to greet their peeps.

Some of my clients have made the switch from DDC to dog walking because at the end of the day their dog was actually too tired; they wouldn't wake up to eat, play with their owner, or go for a walk. Some of you might think that's great, but personally, I like to hang out with my dogs and do fun things together. Dogs require a lot of sleep, and if they can catch their Zs between walks and at night while you're sleeping, you will likely have a chilled out dog rather than a zombie.

I'm not bashing DDC, if I had a balanced, easy-going, confident German Short Haired Pointer, I would probably find the best possible facility I could and save my sanity. And I'm sure my GSP would STILL be up for a walk at the end of the day with me. Because they're nuts :) But again, just like with dog walking, you'll need to asses whether your dog is a good candidate for DDC and be very selective when choosing a facility. I can't stress enough how important the information in this article is.

If you live in the city of Toronto and you need to send your pooch for day care, feel free to contact me for referrals. It's not a service I provide, but I keep my ear to the ground :) And if you're in the market for a dog walker instead, here's how to find a good one.

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